A bright, attractive smile creates a winning first impression. Without saying a word, your smile can convey a confident, optimistic and friendly personality. An esthetically pleasing smile is an attractive quality that lures people to you, making them respond positively.
ВAside from the physical effects of your smile, it also can have major psychological and emotional influences on your personality. If you are self-conscious and unhappy about your smile, it can seriously affect how others perceive you, making you appear timid, hesitant, withdrawn, sad and/or angry. You may feel unattractive, inadequate and insecure.
Fortunately, advances in Prosthodontic procedures allow a growing number of people to benefit from smile makeovers capable of transforming their dental characteristics to produce dramatic results with positive influences on their lives.
Prosthodontic procedures include crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays, onlays, complete and partial dentures. Dental implants have become the preferred method for replacing missing teeth, so many prosthodontic procedures today are done with implants as the support instead of the natural teeth or gums. Prosthodontic care is provided by both general dentists and prosthodontic specialists called prosthodontists.
At Painless Dentistry we use removable appliances to broaden a smile, widen an arch, align crooked teeth and adjust tilted teeth. A benefit removable orthodontics is that they can be removed when you are in a situation where having braces would make you self conscious. Anther benefit is that because they are removable, cleaning your teeth is easier. The use of these appliances is case-selective and for many situations, this is an excellent option provided your compliance is excellent.
With Removable Orthodontics, you wear a removable retainer-like appliance that has various springs and attachments on it to create pressure to move the teeth into alignment. There are different appliances that we use to align your teeth into a great smile and/or establish a physiological healthy occlusion or bite. They can be fabricated in a variety of materials, and each is effective in its own way. Some are metal, some are clear acrylic and some are a combination of both.
With modern dental technology, uneven teeth can be reshaped and laminated with high tech ceramics. We call this instant orthodontics, using veneers or laminates instead of braces to make teeth look straight. It can close large gaps and correct some overcrowding in as little as 1-2 days. It is typically a pain-free procedure requiring only the use of local anesthetics. You are a candidate for this if you would like your teeth to look straighter and cannot commit to the time for conventional orthodontics. The extent to which this approach can be used depends on how crowded and crooked the teeth are to begin with. Sometimes a combination of limited orthodontics and ceramic enhancement may be the best choice.
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